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22 Сен 2024
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Once upon a time in a lush, green jungle, there lived a curious crocodile named Charlie. Unlike other crocodiles who preferred to bask in the sun, Charlie loved to explore. One sunny day, he decided to venture beyond his usual territory. As he swam through the river, he encountered various animals. He met a friendly monkey who swung from the trees and told him about the vibrant world above the water. Intrigued, Charlie asked if he could join the monkey on an adventure. Together, they climbed to the riverbank, where Charlie was amazed by the colorful flowers and singing birds. He had never seen such beauty before! They played games and shared stories, forming a wonderful friendship. As the sun began to set, Charlie realized it was time to return home. He thanked the monkey for the unforgettable day and promised to visit again. From that day on, Charlie became known as the adventurous crocodile, always eager to explore and make new friends in the jungle. And so, he lived happily, embracing the wonders of both land and water.
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